Ink-less serum treatments are the most innovative approach to reducing the appearance of stretch marks and scars with two all natural formula’s of Infinity Erase.

Infinity Erase

Cosmetically, deposit all natural vitamins, oils, and organic serums into the skin. This special formula and proven technique improves texture and restores color back into your stretch mark, naturally.

Infinity Erase Advanced

An advanced formula serum of natural vitamins, oils and organic serums that gets cosmetically deposited in the skin to promote collagen, improve texture and restores color.

What you need to know!

  • Works on all white or colored stretch marks and scars. The color or texture does not matter.

  • Ink-less treatments need to be professionally deposited in the skin and are of all natural organic ingredients.

  • 1-3 sessions are needed to treat the stretch marks or scars.

  • An average of 40-50 day healing period is required in between sessions.

  • Ink-less deposited treatments will help restore your natural color into the skin. Therefore, the treated stretch marks will become tan along with the surrounding skin.

This treatment can be used on all different types of stretch marks. White, pink, red, even deeply textured ones.